Here is a simple script to update your wallpaper and your lockscreen every two hours!
#!/bin/bash # Bing wallpapers # Cesário Garcia Mil-Homens # # # 1. Execute this script the first time and set "bingwallpaper.jpg" as wallpaper and lockscreen # 2. Config $wallpaperPath (line 13 of this script) for the full path of where you want "bingwallpaper.jpg" to be (it should be on the user Pictures folder) # 3. On the terminal execute the following script, this will check for new updates every two hours # crontab -l | { cat; echo "0 */2 * * * /bin/bash /home/cesario/Programs/ >/dev/null 2>&1"; } | crontab - wallpaperPath="/home/cesario/Pictures" wget -q --spider if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "Online" imageName=$(curl -s "" | grep -o -m 1 "/az/hprichbg/rb/.*._1366x768.jpg") prefix="/az/hprichbg/rb/"; imageName=${imageName#$prefix}; suffix="_1366x768.jpg"; imageName=${imageName%$suffix}; if [ -e $wallpaperPath"/"$imageName"_1366x768.jpg" ] then echo "$imageName found." else echo "$imageName not found." wget ""$imageName"_1366x768.jpg" -P $wallpaperPath cp $wallpaperPath"/"$imageName"_1366x768.jpg" $wallpaperPath"/"bingwallpaper.jpg fi else echo "Offline" fi