Ubuntu Linux 12.04 LTS – World Wide VPN’s

In Windows you can get free VPN software like Anchor Free, SoftFlux and Expat Shield.
But what about Linux?

US – http://www.anchorfree.com/
US – http://www.spotflux.com/
UK – http://www.expatshield.com/

So how can we create a VPN that gives us the country IP we want?

So things we will install

  • Vidalia – Vidalia offers a graphical user interface to start and stop Tor, view its status at a glance, and monitor its bandwidth usage.
  • Tor – Tor is a connection-based low-latency anonymous communication system which addresses many flaws in the original onion routing design.
  • Privoxy – Privoxy is a non-caching web proxy with advanced filtering capabilities for enhancing privacy, modifying web page data and HTTP headers, controlling access, and removing ads and other obnoxious Internet junk.

Let’s install them on terminal (Ctrl + Alt + t)

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ubun-tor/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install tor privoxy vidalia

If you want a UK ip everytime you start Tor open Vidalia and go to “View the network”. Here you will see a bunch of relays, sort them by country and copy the nicknames of wich you want to look like the ones below.

ExitNodes TorLand2, TorLand1, TorLand5, st0nerhenge, c00psTOR, EnfluraneNode, microlah, YoureOnCCTV, hamtor
StrictExitNodes 1

Go to terminal

sudo gedit /etc/tor/torrc

Insert the lines you created save and exit.

Start tor

tor &

Go to Network GUI -> Proxy

Socks Server:
Port: 9050

If you want to logoff the VPN set proxy to none and stop tor

sudo killall tor

PBLS4Lin v1.0 – Peerblock for Linux and Transmission

Um script para linux que permite utilizar as listas do Peerblock.
Estas listas podem ser utilizadas no Transmission.


#This script creates the same lists as peerblock http://www.peerblock.com/, it outputs a file that you
#can use on Transmission under Edit -> Preferences -> Privacy -> Blocklist. In the first time copy the
#http link and use it. All lists are from http://www.iblocklist.com
#This script was created by Cesário Garcia Mil-Homens - http://www.cesariogarcia.com just for the fun.
#PBLS4Lin - v1.0


#Insert here the dir where is your Dropbox/Google Drive/etc public folders or you local server with apache
#Using Dropbox
#Using localhost

#Insert here your own temporary download folder, do not use /tmp


echo "Peerblock Lists - Automatic Uptades for Transmission"
echo "My destination folder is $destination_folder and my temporary download folder is $temp is this correct? (y/n)"

function download() {
	sudo cd $temp
	sudo wget -O - "http://list.iblocklist.com/?list=bt_ads&fileformat=p2p&archiveformat=gz" > bt_ads.txt.gz
	sudo wget -O - "http://list.iblocklist.com/?list=bt_level1&fileformat=p2p&archiveformat=gz" > bt_level1.txt.gz
	sudo wget -O - "http://list.iblocklist.com/?list=bt_spyware&fileformat=p2p&archiveformat=gz" > bt_spyware.txt.gz
	sudo gunzip *.gz

function combine() {
	sudo cat bt_ads.txt bt_level1.txt bt_spyware.txt > peerblock.txt
	sudo rm bt_ads.txt
	sudo rm bt_level1.txt
	sudo rm bt_spyware.txt

function upload() {
	sudo mv -f peerblock.txt $destination_folder

read op

case $op in
	y) download; combine; upload;;
	*) exit;;

Bolo de Chocolate – Super Rápido!

Para quem gosta de bolo de chocolate! 😀 Fiz isto em 10 minutos!

4 Pessoas

1 ovo
3 colheres (sopa) de manteiga
4 colheres (sopa) de açúcar
4 colheres (sopa) de leite
3 colheres (sopa) de cacau em pó
3 colheres (sopa) de farinha de trigo
1/2 colher (chá) de fermento em pó


  1. Numa forma que possa ir ao micro-ondas, unte as suas paredes com manteiga.
  2. Numa outra tigela média, que vá ao micro-ondas, coloque a manteiga. Leve para derreter por 30 segundos, até que a manteiga fique líquida.
  3. À tigela com manteiga junte o leite e o ovo. Misture bem, com um batedor de arame ou com um garfo.
  4. Junte o açúcar, o cacau, a farinha e o fermento. Misture vigorosamente, até que a massa fique homogénea.
  5. Coloque a massa na forma. Leve ao micro-ondas, na potência máxima, por 3 minutos.

Ora vejam aqui o resultado!

Bolo de chocolate no micro-ondas.
Bolo de chocolate no micro-ondas.

Profissão ex-ministro

Nem sequer dá para acreditar! Já diz o ditado “uma mão lava a outra e duas mãos lavam uma cara”, o compadrio político associado aos grandes negócios do estado reinam neste país impunemente. A receita é na verdade muito simples, um ministro de uma determinada pasta quando sai do governo vai parar a um conselho de administração de uma empresa pública ou privada da qual pertencia à sua tutela. Os vencimentos e prémios aí descambam tintanicamente chegando até 108 vezes mais do que um salário mínimo nacional. Esta reportagem que a SIC fez está muito boa, ora vejam…


MIT – Circuits and Electronics 6.002x

MIT - Circuits and Electronics 6.002x

O meu certificado do MIT 😀

Aqui estão as estatísticas oficiais do curso do MIT 154763 pessoas que se registaram e apenas acabaram 7157, eu sou uma destas 7157 😀

Course statistics: 6.002x had 154,763 registrants. Of these, 69,221 people looked at the first problem set, and 26,349 earned at least one point on it. 13,569 people looked at the midterm while it was still open, 10,547 people got at least one point on the midterm, and 9,318 people got a passing score on the midterm. 10,262 people looked at the final exam while it was still open, 8,240 people got at least one point on the final exam, and 5,800 people got a passing score on the final exam. Finally, after completing 14 weeks of study, 7,157 people have earned the first certificate awarded by MITx, proving that they successfully completed 6.002x.


BBC Click

Em Portugal e em muitos outros países o site da BBC não nos permite ver o programa de ciência e tecnologia BBC Click, descobri um excelente canal que de semana a semana coloca online no youtube o programa da semana. Vale apena ver.


Programa BBC Click do dia 07-04-2012